Limited Licences

If you have been disqualified from driving due to excessive demerit points or a conviction for drink driving, you may be able to apply for a Limited Licence, also known as a Work Licence.

A Limited Licence is available for people that face one of the following:

1. You personally would face extreme hardship by not being able to drive, for example: you may have to drive for your job; or

2. Someone else close to you would face undue hardship as a result of you no longer driving. This could be a family member that needs you to drive them to receive medical treatment, or your children that need to get to school or activities.

A Limited Licence is a Court Application, which if granted, enables you to drive under certain conditions and during certain timeframes. It does not enable you to drive as if you had not lost your licence. We can explain the requirements to you.

There is certain criteria that would prevent you from being able to obtain a Limited Licence, which we can run through with you, to see if a Limited Licence is an option available for you.

If this is something you need, please get in touch and we can consider your options.

By Andrea Fraser | Senior Solicitor
The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter. 

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